Monday, March 10, 2014

Nighttime writing

   Sometimes I wish my brain had an off switch- like an alarm clock- that I could set to wake me up when it's time to get up. I am not a very good sleeper, not really sure I have ever been. My mom would always say I was the worst at taking naps- she even put me down one day for an afternoon nap, and went to the pool to relax- only to discover I climbed out of my crib and joined her in the deep end L And I guess this is where my love for water comes into play as well. It is now after 11 and I have a busy day tomorrow, but the brain is in overdrive. I have lists- a lot of them to be exact, and tonight one in particular does not want to go to sleep. So far on this trip, I have taken a ½ Ambien every night except two and those were the worst nights of no sleeping. I have trouble sleeping in the states, but I am not a fan of sleep aids, however, I am also not very pleasant without sleep, so sometimes ya just have to take something. Here, in Haiti,- I need to be pleasant every day, so I just take something to ensure I actually sleep. And if I can keep my bladder empty, I can usually get a good solid 7 hours of sleep in. This will not be the case tonight….. I will need to be up and ready by 6:45 for my workout, then showered, dressed, packed, and breakfast finished by 8:30. Tomorrow we (team of 14, the Pfaff family, and myself) are going to Baptist Missionaries for the day, having lunch, a little touring, and if time permitting going back to the O to finish a few things. The team flies out early Wednesday morning, so they will need to pack tomorrow evening. It was a super short trip, but I feel the kids benefited a little from them being here. They were played with and held and they helped me out some, so all in all I think God did some good work here this week.
   And so this is what happens- my mind just goes, and goes, and goes. Next thing you know I will have moved on to a conversation that happened 4 hours ago, and start going back over it, and asking myself questions for parts I either can’t remember or that don’t make sense, and since everyone involved in the conversation is in bed and asleep (like I should be)- I will have to answer them myself- if I can.
   I learned when I was younger that since my brain is in overdrive during “bedtime” I should write. I did for a while, but the sleeping got better so I would actually sleep- well here we are some years later and I am up at now almost midnight writing nonsense material. HAHAHA. I took 2.5 mg of Ambien an HOUR again, and I am still wide-awake, just lack motivation to do something. Not really sure what I would actually do- just saying the motivation isn’t there.

Alright- well I am going to try and go to sleep. Hopefully another conversation, list, planning idea session, or a what am I going to do with my life session won’t happen, and I will sleep and wake up so very pleasant. J

Good Night All

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